EntrD on trade mission AI Summit London


Emma Venema

Onderwerp BlogNews
Gepubliceerd op

June 4, 2024

From June 11 to 13, 2024, London will be the epicenter of artificial intelligence (AI), and EntrD will be there to represent our flag. During the trade mission for start-ups to The AI Summit London, organized by the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch embassy in London, Dutch AI start-ups and scale-ups will have a unique opportunity to profile and orient themselves internationally.

Key Takeaways

The focus of the trade mission

This trade mission focuses specifically on AI & Health and AI & Data, two sectors in which the Netherlands has built a strong reputation. The mission provides a platform for Dutch companies to present their innovations, forge partnerships and gain insights into the latest trends and developments within the AI industry.

EntrD: Forerunner in AI and data anonymization

EntrD, known for its advanced data management and protection solutions, is a perfect representative of Dutch innovation in AI and data. With products like the FileFactory, which anonymizes documents and files automatically and streamlined, and the DataFactory, which masks any type of database and application quickly and easily, EntrD demonstrates how AI can be used to increase both efficiency and security.

“We are excited to participate in The AI Summit London,” says Eric Hoefman of EntrD.

“This is a great opportunity to demonstrate how our technology can help not only businesses but also government agencies manage data securely and efficiently.”

Eric Hoefman, EntrD

Networking opportunities and collaborations

During the mission, participants like EntrD will participate in networking sessions, workshops and panel discussions with leading industry experts. This provides valuable opportunities to exchange knowledge, initiate collaborations and access new markets.

“The Trade Mission provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate our technology to an international audience,” added Eric Hoefman. “We look forward to forming new partnerships and further expanding our presence in the AI and data sector.”

Innovatie in AI & Health en AI & Data

The AI & Health and AI & Data sectors are of particular interest to EntrD. In healthcare, for example, EntrD’s technology can be used to anonymize patient data, which is essential for protecting privacy and complying with regulations such as the GDPR. In the data sector, EntrD’s solutions can help manage large amounts of data, allowing companies to operate more efficiently and securely.

An important step for Dutch AI companies

EntrD’s participation in The AI Summit London underscores the importance of international presence for Dutch AI start-ups and scale-ups. By participating in this trade mission, companies like EntrD are demonstrating that the Netherlands is a forerunner in AI and data anonymization, and that they are ready to conquer the world with their innovative solutions.

“Our participation in this mission is an important step in our international growth strategy,” said EntrD’s director. “We are committed to making our technology available globally and contributing to the advancement of AI in various industries.”

With the trade mission to The AI Summit London, EntrD has a wonderful opportunity to showcase its innovations in AI and data anonymization to a global audience, establish new collaborations and contribute to the growth and development of the AI sector.