Anonymize test environments

Anonymizing a test environment is an important step in developing and testing software. This involves removing or replacing sensitive information in the test environment, so that it cannot be misused by unauthorized persons. This ensures user privacy and system security.

Different ways to anonymize

There are several ways to anonymize a test environment. This data can be replaced with fictitious data or dummy data, so that the functionality of the software can be tested without endangering the privacy of users.

Securing login details

Another important step in anonymizing a test environment is securing login credentials. This can be done, for example, by using test accounts with random usernames and passwords. These accounts must be generated using strong encryption algorithms to prevent them from being hacked.

Replacing sensitive information

In addition to removing PII and securing login credentials, anonymizing a test environment can also involve replacing sensitive information such as credit card details and other financial information. In this case, this data can be replaced by fictitious data or by data from test cards designed specifically for testing payment systems.

Anonymizing log files

It is also important to pay attention to the anonymization of log files. Log files can contain valuable information about user activity and the system. To prevent this information from falling into the wrong hands, log files should be anonymized by removing all personally identifiable information and replacing specific data with generic values.

Other sensitive information

Finally, when anonymizing a test environment, consider whether there is any other sensitive information that needs to be removed or replaced. This may, for example, relate to confidential documents, trade secrets or other sensitive information that should not fall into the wrong hands.

Anonymizing a test environment is an important step in developing and testing software. Removing or replacing sensitive information ensures user privacy and improves system security. It is therefore important to pay attention to anonymizing a test environment to minimize the risks of unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Our solution? The DataFactory

EntrD has developed a solution with which every test environment can be anonymized. Based on a sample record you provide, we can generate any volume of data for you. This can be done quickly: as a rule, it does not take more than a few days.

Would you like to receive more information? Please contact us!

Product specifications DataFactory

General characteristics

  • Easy to implement
  • Quick to roll out (on average 2 to 6 weeks)
  • Low opertaing costs
  • Anonymized data is irreducible (in line with requirements of the GDPR)
  • Speeds up the development cycle
  • Aligns with agile working
  • Prevents the need to maintain risk capital
  • Prevents the impact of data leaks (fines and reputational damage)
  • Anonymized data can be widely used (Test, Analysis, Training, Demo, Support, Outsourcing, etc.)

Functional properties

  • Anonymize consistently over time without using a ‘translation table’
  • Consistently anonymize an entire application chain
  • Maintaining relevant relationships (if desired)
  • Geographical distribution of relationships remains intact (if desired)
  • Ages remain unchanged (if desired)
  • Generated data adheres to data-specific rules
  • Data quality remains unchanged
  • Anonymized data is easy to distinguish from production data

Technical properties

  • Completely database independent
  • Easily scalable
  • High performance
  • Cross-platform
  • Minimal management effort
  • Easy integration with CI/CD pipeline
  • Supports large data sets
  • Anonymization is done completely in-memory
  • Ability to add your own masking rules
  • Comes standard with more than 10 options to anonymize data

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