EntrD and the housing associations

Housing associations want two things: to be able to say to tenants with dry eyes, “your data is in good hands with us,” and they want to operate cost-efficiently.

With our products, EntrD supports your organization in both areas.


The DataFactory ensures that, as a housing corporation, you have a set of masked tenant data that you can safely test with at any time. At the same time, the set is masked in such a way that the masked data remains usable!

The result? A representative dataset that you can use for testing and analysis, training or demos.

Complying with the AVG, ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 has never been easier!

Unique benefits for Housing Corporations

  • Plug & Play for Tobias, Tobias 365, Dynamics Empire, NCCW and Wocas
  • Partnerships with Aareon, Cegeka, NCCW and Hercules
  • Suitable for any type of ERP
  • Consistent and irreducible tenant data
  • All interfaces can be included
  • On premise en in de cloud
  • Proven reliable and affordable
  • Can be deployed quickly


The FileFactory is the solution to quickly and easily find and delete information in documents and files. At the touch of a button, FileFactory finds and deletes any data you want to delete. Think for example of BSN, copy ID, COA forms or an IRF form.

At the same time, FileFactory can also be used to make PDF documents searchable or to classify documents based on their content. Or as one customer put it, “with the FileFactory we are finally able to really get a grip on our documents & files.”

Unique benefits for Housing Associations

  • One-time as a turn key project clean up all historical documents.
  • Structurally clean all new documents.
  • Leading OCR technology.
  • AI for optimal text processing.
  • For any volume of documents.
  • Works with any DMS, fileshare and also sharepoint.
  • Integrations with ShareWorkX, Customer Portal online, Cegeka DMS.
  • Applied at dozens of corporations.
  • Already cleaned tens of millions of documents.

Request more information

Would you like to receive more information about our solutions specifically for housing associations or would you like a product demonstration? Then get in touch with us!

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