Information security in ambulance care: with FileFactory For Care


Emma Venema

Onderwerp BlogHealthcare
Gepubliceerd op

August 21, 2024

In ambulance care, the protection of patient data is essential. This applies not only from an ethical point of view, but also because of legal obligations. The NEN7510 standard sets the standard for information security in healthcare and is mandatory for all healthcare institutions, including ambulance organizations. The FileFactory For Care can support institutions while optimizing their information management.

What is NEN7510 and why is it important?

NEN7510 is the Dutch standard for information security in the healthcare sector. The standard is designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of medical data. Compliance with this standard is mandatory and is actively monitored by the Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate (IGJ) (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport). The IGJ uses NEN7510 as a reference framework to test whether healthcare institutions have taken appropriate measures to secure patient data.

Supervision by the IGJ

The IGJ monitors compliance with NEN7510. Healthcare institutions, such as ambulance organizations, must not only meet the requirements of this standard, but also be able to demonstrate this. This means that all processes related to the management of patient data must be documented and verifiable. Failure to comply with NEN7510 can result in sanctions, highlighting the importance of a solid information security strategy.

Challenges in ambulance care

In ambulance care, where rapid decision-making is crucial, information security is under great pressure. Healthcare providers must have immediate access to relevant patient data, while at the same time this information must be properly secured against unauthorized access.

Balancing safety and accessibility

One of the biggest challenges is striking a balance between data security and accessibility. In emergency situations, healthcare providers must have quick access to the right information to provide the best care without compromising on the security of that data.

Compliance and accountability

Healthcare organizations must not only be compliant with NEN7510, but also be able to prove their compliance with this standard. This requires a well-documented and controlled process for managing patient data, which can be a significant administrative burden.

FileFactory For Care: the solution for information security

FileFactory For Care is a tool that allows patient data to be automatically implemented from one EHR or ECD into another EHR or ECD. This tool is one of the applications of FileFactory, a tool where you have a grip on all your documents and records.

Want to know more about the FileFactory? For more information, download the brochure below and request a demo.


Information security is vital in ambulance care. With FileFactory For Care is a tool that allows patient data to be implemented in an automated manner from one EHR or ECD into another EHR or ECD.

With FileFactory, healthcare organizations can be supported in compliance with the requirements of NEN7510 while optimizing their information management. This solution ensures secure, efficient and compliant handling of patient data, contributing to the delivery of high-quality care.

Source: Ambulance Care