Housing associations have huge amounts of data. Having a good overview of all this data is essential to put it to good use. EntrD helps housing corporations with the use of AI in FileFactory and lets visitors experience this on September 12 at CorporatiePlein. CorporatieMedia spoke with Eric Hoefman about it.

What will take center stage at your booth during CorporatiePlein 2024?
During CorporatiePlein 2024 we would like to show how AI within FileFactory’s software can help housing corporations find information faster, unlock data, get an overview of all the data a corporation actually has and which data are necessary and unnecessary. In short, we will take visitors on a voyage of discovery into the possibilities of extracting even more value from data.
Central to the booth will be our real live demo, where visitors can experiment for themselves what is possible. We will highlight our various FileFactory modules and would like to work with corporations to discover what they need and how EntrD can help them do that.

What information can visitors come to you for?
During CorporatiePlein 2024, visitors can join us for answers on how to get more value from their data. Most housing corporations are already familiar with DataFactory and FileFactory, but are not yet familiar with all the new modules we have developed to go deeper into issues that are not commonplace.

In what area can you really help corporations move forward?
Housing associations possess a wealth of data, but searching for specific data is often a time-consuming and costly operation. Especially if it is still done manually. EntrD makes this easier by answering every wish and need with the right information in the AI-based search process within FileFactory. During CorporatiePlein 2024 we will take visitors on a journey of discovery in the field of “search, find and act” in the broadest possible sense.
EntrD can be found at CorporatiePlein at booth 35.
Sign up for CorporatiePlein through this link.
Source: Corporation Media