FileFactory Premium

FileFactory premium, one of the newest developments within the FileFactory platform, takes digital records management to the next level by integrating artificial intelligence (AI). This powerful system makes it possible to extract even more valuable and complex data from documents than ever before, even if this data is difficult to find with traditional logic. With FileFactory premium, document management becomes smarter, more efficient and future-proof.

This opens the way for all kinds of new applications and makes it possible to extract even more value from the documents and files within your organization. And still in a secure and compliant way, of course!

Key benefits of FileFactory PREMIUM

AI-driven data recognition

Unlike standard methods that search based on fixed rules (such as names, addresses, or BSN numbers), FileFactory premium understands documents at a deeper level. The system recognizes context, such as the role of individuals (for example, a tenant or housing association representative) and can interpret data that cannot be easily captured in hard rules.

Automatic classification of sensitive information

FileFactory premium can identify and process sensitive information without explicit searches. Consider sensitive data such as sexual orientation. The system intelligently searches for such information and securely deletes it without the need for specific search criteria.

Broad search capability through text interpretation

Where traditional systems struggle with broad searches, such as finding the “description of an incident,” FileFactory premium excels. Advanced AI allows the system to understand what the text is about and isolate relevant information, which is crucial in police records, for example.

Why choose FileFactory premium?

  • Future-proof document management: FileFactory premium is designed to grow with the latest AI technologies, preparing businesses for the future.
  • Better information extraction: In-depth text interpretation allows the system to extract much more valuable data from documents than traditional solutions.
  • Faster and more efficient: Smart AI technology allows users to get results faster without setting up manual searches or fixed rules.

FileFactory PREMIUM is the solution for organizations looking to get more out of their documents and handle sensitive information securely. With its powerful combination of AI and document management, FileFactory premium offers a quantum leap in efficiency and accuracy. Prepare your organization for the future with FileFactory premium’s innovative capabilities.

Frequently asked questions about FileFactory

What file types are supported?

Can the FileFactory handle documents stored in a database?

Can the FileFactory be called from other applications as a plug-in?

How does the FileFactory mask the data?

Can the FileFactory automatically mask certain types of data in one document and not in another?

Wondering how FileFactory PREMIUM helps you save time and money?